Oh, you know, just blogging on a Friday night! What fun looks like these days ;)
(And really, Friday’s are more like the start of our week, rather than the end, since Matthew works shift work that begins on Thursdays…)
Truth is I’ve sat down a few times during Halle’s nap this week to write only to have her wake up earlier than usual. And let’s face it at the end of the day, when she’s gone to bed, I don’t feel like doing much other than putting my feet up. I’m three quarters pregnant now and it’s a hard job to organize your thoughts in to words when you’re tired. But here I am
tonight, at bedtime, finding making time to post something... Although it’s not what I had originally intended to write.
Instead here’s another real life insight in to our last couple of days.
Yesterday, the girlie was a poop machine!
She had more than usual the day before, too. I was a bit suspicious something might be up but not worried because she seemed to be her normal, happy self. Then on Thursday she went four times before lunch and I was really starting to think something was going on with her little tummy. She also only napped just over an hour… Waking up not by choice, but cause of poop.
Oh my gosh, I just realized not only am I blogging on a Friday night but I’m writing about POOP! Ok, this part is almost
Anyway, lack of sleep combined with not feeling the best (although still not showing any other symptoms) made for an irritable afternoon! I debated putting her down for a second nap but decided maybe an early bedtime would be better.
Plan backfired.
She was exhausted and went to sleep no problem just after 6. (Her normal bedtime is between 7 and 8, depending on what was on the go that day.) I was feeling relieved to have a break, then soon after I sat down to relax it started to thunder and lighting.
Halle is usually great with noise once she’s asleep unless it’s a sudden, loud noise (which I guess thunder kind of is…) I’m
not sure what woke her, the storm or her not feeling well, but sure enough after only about an hour and a half of sleep she was up again.
She seemed so tired, and her red eyes showed it, but in general was pretty content to just be up and play like normal. However, she would not go back to bed! I tried multiple times to repeat our bedtime routine, giving her long breaks in between to play or cuddle, so it wasn’t an overall unhappy struggle.
Her happiness was wearing off and overtiredness taking over. Unfortunately overtired babies just seem to fight sleep more rather than give in and rest.
I started off okay, too. But of course these kind of nights happen when I’m not feeling well either. I was having bad cramps all evening and really just wanted to lie down. And the later she stayed up the more I found myself nodding off.
I’ll skip the details and tell you it was 1:45 AM (!!!!) by the time she went to sleep in her crib.
I was tired and achey and so thankful to get in bed.
3:00 AM - she’s awake again. Are you kidding me?
I brought her in my bed. Which never happens because 1) she usually sleeps through the night and 2) it doesn’t work if she does wake up… She usually thinks that it’s playtime. But she must have been tired because she went to sleep.
It was a broken, crappy sleep for both of us with moving around and what I’m assuming was our own unique uncomfortable-ness. My back was shot…
We got up just before 8. Once again, probably not by choice on her part… but because of poop.
It was a laid back morning. She was exhausted and looked it, but did surprisingly well considering. I thought it was best to be up and attempt a normal morning so we could get back on our typical sleep schedule. (Although when sickness is involved, routine can get thrown out the window.)
She went down for nap a little early. She was so ready.
Me too. I slept for two hours then had a relaxing, hot shower. She napped three and a half.
Although I’ll tell you a secret, no matter how long nap is, most days I’m never quite ready for my break to end. [Go ahead and laugh, cause I know shit’s about to get real with two babies ;)]
Anyway we made it through the afternoon, a bit irritable, but mostly normal and no more poop! Bedtime happened as usual… and hopefully stays that way! Good night :)