Writing last week was like getting a green light. Go!
It's crazy how therapeutic getting words out of my head and on to paper, or in to a post, can be.
Now I can move on.
Now I can create action.
Now I can attract energy.
Whoa. Did that last one catch you? I'm sort of a secret hippie wanna be. Total daydream believer.
Well, real dream believer.
Cause it's actual fact that you can attract what you wish to happen. Or bring what you need in your life by believing it. Thoughts become things. Good and/or bad. I 100% believe in this.
Gabrielle Bernstein is a best selling author and life coach who speaks a lot about this. I've read some of her books, watched videos and follow along various social media accounts of hers. She makes me really intrigued by her thoughts about the universe and how we attract things in our lives.
Sometimes I'm really in tune with this. Like, I recognize when I'm "attracting" something I needed. For example, feeling stuck and off balance, then I write about it and suddenly I feel a shift... OK that's not the most inspiring example. But one you might relate to is thinking of a person and then they call. This is the universe answering. Do you think I'm crazy yet?
Cause I totally own it if I am... I really do believe in the power of visualizing, meditating and attracting.
Gosh, free typing gets me on tangents. But that info was important. Cause just by putting it out there: that I want to achieve balance. That I want to accomplish all of those things. I am making it happen. I am finding ways. I am taking steps.
And tonight I took a really overdue step at pursuing a long time dream of mine, that feels so easy now that it's done!
Stay tuned on that ;)
...It's go time, baby!
Summer is go time, as well. I can just feel the energy motivating me all around!
I have been craving fitness lately, too. Running, like writing, is becoming therapeutic for me. Sometimes I just need to do it, and it feels so damn good!
I went for a late night jog with the dogs the other night and surprised myself at how long and how far I could go.
Physically going, totally aligned with my mental need to go. Like the movement paralleled becoming unstuck in other ways.
Do you get it now? I get it, I got it, and I'm going with it and I'm ready to make things happen.
This really wasn't what I planned to write tonight. Actually, I didn't even plan to write. But somehow a week has passed and I wasn't going to let time slip away from me again. And if you can't already tell, I'm on a serious roll here.
Annnnnd, go! ;)
XO thanks for reading,