Halle turns 15 months on Thursday!
Keeping up with last month's update style, here's 15 things about her right now... With subcategories ;) [Wanting to push up my pretend glasses just typing that... yet I'll admit the organizer in me just loves it...]
Ok, here we go!
- l i k e s -
1. Playing outside! She loves her water table and hanging out in the backyard. Sometimes she even cries, or bangs on the patio door, when Loki or daddy go outside without her.
2. Hanging upside down. She's turning in to a climber and a bit of a dare devil! Trying to hang off the ends of the couch, attempting to flip out of my arms on occasion, lifting up her legs to climb things... Keeping. Me. Busy!
3. Looking and playing with mail and flyers.
4. Getting in to mommy's bathroom cupboard and hauling out any treasures she can before I intervene. She loves nail polish bottles, which secretly makes the girly girl in me (and probably her) happy.
Side note: Supervision required for all likes ;) AKA yes, I realize likes 2-4 are not necessarily activities I would promote because of potential safety concerns. But they are an honest look at toddler life right now and her 'like' for getting in to pretty much everything "she's not supposed to."
- d i s l i k e s - 5. Walking on grass or sand. Although she loves being outdoors, girlie prefers to stick to pathways and patios. 6. Getting her face washed... 7. At the beginning of the month I would have said wearing a sun hat. She still gets frustrated sometimes but wearing one with a velco strap has made a big difference in her keeping it on her head. Side story: Before growing to like (/tolerate) her hats, she loved putting face cloths on her top of her head and trying to walk around while balancing them there, which is just hilarious to watch! |
- n e w t h i n g s -
8. Wanting to sit in my lap while I eat breakfast (or anytime I'm eating at our kitchen island and she's not in her high chair eating too.)
9. "Cheat eating" fruit. She likes these foods, and has eaten them before, but her new thing now, with watermelon and blueberries in particular, is to take a bite, suck the juice and drop it back on her tray (or lap) without actually eating it!
10. Stacking her blocks. This seriously makes me so excited! As an early years teacher, I just love watching her play skills grow and develop.
11. Learned how to throw a ball back and forth with mommy or daddy!
There you have it, 15 things from the here and now with Halle. It's been a fun month watching her change and grow! And enjoying Summer with a baby in a whole new way compared to last year's newborn months.
I also wanted to mention that all of the photos you see on my blog are from my iPhone. I'm hoping to invest in a "fancy big girl" camera soon so I can start taking more quality photos. But for now these ones serve to capture and share our family fun and the good times.
As always, thanks for reading and following along :)