Hi friend,
How are you?
It's almost midnight and I'm cozied up in my living room chair. Laptop open, ready to type.
I'm wide awake.
Honestly, my body is pulsing with creative energy!
And my heart is just so happy to be feeling this way again.
… It's been a long time.
And while you might wonder how I could possibly be feeling this way during pandemic quarantine life? I don't know the answer. (Or maybe I do... Story for another time.)
Part of me wishes it were morning with the sun shining in. I'd have a hot cup of coffee in hand and I'd be staring over at you, here, having a real, in-person chat with me. I'm longing to hear all that's been going on with you during this time. And I can't wait to share how I've been feeling and what's been coming up for me. It feels good to get things out of my head and speak them in to the world...
Instead, you're not here.
We are connected.
I'm here.
You're reading.
And we're both wanting a moment to be seen, to relate, to vent, to smile, to do all the things that us humans crave from each other.
Ya feel me?
And so, since we are in fact on other sides of screens. Maybe other sides of the city. Maybe other sides of the country. Or maybe other sides of the world, who knows?!
Let me tell you about some of the things I've been writing while I haven't been writing here.
I'm talking about some of the things I write in my journal or have written so far in 2020.
Since we can't connect in person, my thought is that these ideas might prompt you to connect with YOURSELF, and try some writing of your own. (Please keep reading ;))
How are you?
It's almost midnight and I'm cozied up in my living room chair. Laptop open, ready to type.
I'm wide awake.
Honestly, my body is pulsing with creative energy!
And my heart is just so happy to be feeling this way again.
… It's been a long time.
And while you might wonder how I could possibly be feeling this way during pandemic quarantine life? I don't know the answer. (Or maybe I do... Story for another time.)
Part of me wishes it were morning with the sun shining in. I'd have a hot cup of coffee in hand and I'd be staring over at you, here, having a real, in-person chat with me. I'm longing to hear all that's been going on with you during this time. And I can't wait to share how I've been feeling and what's been coming up for me. It feels good to get things out of my head and speak them in to the world...
Instead, you're not here.
We are connected.
I'm here.
You're reading.
And we're both wanting a moment to be seen, to relate, to vent, to smile, to do all the things that us humans crave from each other.
Ya feel me?
And so, since we are in fact on other sides of screens. Maybe other sides of the city. Maybe other sides of the country. Or maybe other sides of the world, who knows?!
Let me tell you about some of the things I've been writing while I haven't been writing here.
I'm talking about some of the things I write in my journal or have written so far in 2020.
Since we can't connect in person, my thought is that these ideas might prompt you to connect with YOURSELF, and try some writing of your own. (Please keep reading ;))
Word of the year
Word/Focus of the season
Exercise routines
Things I want to happen in 2020
(ps. you should see the randomness of this list... for some reason the Paw Patrol line "no job is too big, no pup is too small" is springing to mind when I think about the things on my list and what I want to tell you to include! LOL)
Training plans + goals
2020 Vision + Charge
"Listen to your body" - What is it telling you?
Goal progress
Monthly intentions
"What it looks like to show up"
My life by design
Routine creation
Blog post ideas
Things to be thankful for right now
Things I'm looking forward to during social distancing
Meal planning
Home schooling plans (this was ambitious)
Brain dump of feelings coming up during the virus
Write a poem / Free write from intuition
"Energy check in" - How am I feeling when ___? Emotions? Body sensations?
Creative project ideas
New moon intentions
Gratitude lists
Surely, you can find something from this list that lights a spark to write. And if not write, reflect. Talk to someone. Meditate. Post online. Something.
We need to connect. And sometimes connecting to ourselves is the best thing we can do to better show up for others.
*hint, hint* at what's been happening for me during all this.
Let me know if you try some writing of your own. I'd love to hear about it!
AND if there's anything on these random topics you'd like to hear more about, please reach out.
As always, thanks for reading. It feels so good to be "here" with you.
XO Katie